Human Right Policy
Cougar’s commitment to respect Human Rights and Labor Standards is based on the International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work.
Cougar’s Human Rights policy reflects our commitment to conduct our business activities consistent with Human Right Principles and to be a good corporate citizen with ethical business practices.
Policy Statements
Cougar’s Human Rights policy applies to all Golden Cougar employees, members, partners, joint ventures, contractors and stakeholders.
Protection of key Issues of Human Rights
- We uphold non-discrimination policy. We respect and provide equality of opportunity in employment, compensation, training and promotion and no discrimination based on the age, gender, race, religion, nationality, social status, disability and any other characteristics.
- Employment decision will be done based on merit, qualification and needs of company.
- Unlawful discriminations are prohibited and will be subject for disciplinary action.
- We also protect any unfair practice and discrimination on migrant workers and support opportunities in accordance with local laws.
- All employees and members must be treated with respect and dignity.
- Any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal abuse and harassment will not be tolerated under this policy.
- We respect personal security and voluntary employment of our employees.
- We do not use any form of involuntary, forced/ bonded/ compulsory labor.
- Our employees are free to join organizations of their choice, to act as representative of these organizations and to be engaged as collective bargaining. Neither disadvantages nor favors in any way to act as representative.
Health and Safety Workplace and Protection of Environment
- Golden Cougar is committed to provide health and safety workplace with free incidents at anytime, anywhere with a high standards Health, Safety and Environment policy.
- Golden Cougar provides adequate implementation of Health, Safety and Environment policy and procedures, training, safe system, equipment and workplaces and share responsibility by everyone.
- We also protect environment by complying with all applicable laws and regulation of environment and by promoting greater environmental responsibility.
Fair Working Conditions and Wages
- Golden Cougar provide fair working conditions with workplace facilities, welfare facilities, duties and responsibilities, skills and training, cultural or religious or legally mandated benefits and maternity protection, holidays and leaves and benchmarked working hours in accordance with Myanmar Labor Law.
- Wages are provided as legally mandated and all wages and compensations will be provided in a timely manner and no disciplinary deduction from payment.
Protection of Rights of Children
- Golden Cougar do not use or employ child labor under any circumstances. Anyone under the age of 18 years is referred as “child” in this policy.
Protection of Rights of Community
- Golden Cougar respect the right of community and their access to land and natural resources.
- We foster a positive two-way communication with community and stakeholders.
Due Diligence of Implementation, Reporting and Protection
- Golden Cougar is committed to comply with respect, protect and promote Human Rights by careful implementation and ensuring adherence to the policy statement.
- The Executive Committee and Senior Management have responsibility for this commitment.
- If any employee believes that someone is violating the Human Rights policy or the law, they are asked to report it immediately to their manager and/or Head of Human Resource (or) legal and Compliance department.
- All employees can raise their concerns without fear of retribution or losing their jobs and also can complaint and suggest anonymously with a way in Whistle Blowing system.
- Information and identity of employee who raise concern must be protected under this policy.
Monitoring And Enforcement
- Golden Cougar regularly monitor and review the Human Rights policy’s impact, ongoing process and management system.
- Every branch / site leaders and managers need to submit quarterly report of Human Rights compliance to the Executive Committee.
- The Executive committee review and address the reports and take immediate actions to any remaining concern.
- The Legal and Compliance department and Human Resource department are relevant for jurisdiction and employment for every employee.